FS: Hewlett Packard 302A Wave Analyzer, Used in Analog Tape Deck Alignment
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Mike Nowlen
2008-06-12 19:41:32 UTC
For Sale: HEWLETT PACKARD 302A Wave Analyzer
Picture at: Loading Image...

As specified by Ampex in the AG-440 Alignment Procedure

Condition: Very Good, Tested and working, some calibration sticker
goo, with copy of Operating and Service Manual.

$225 + Shipping

Please email.
Thanks for reading,

Mike Nowlen
2008-06-17 05:00:28 UTC
Post by Mike Nowlen
For Sale: HEWLETT PACKARD 302A Wave Analyzer
Picture at:http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mnowlen/hp302a.jpg
As specified by Ampex in the AG-440 Alignment Procedurehttp://ftp.ampex.com/ampex/manuals/audio/ag440cman/5_maintenance.pdf
Condition: Very Good, Tested and working, some calibration sticker
goo, with copy of Operating and Service Manual.
$225 + Shipping
They go for about $25 at ham-fests.

Modern equipment works way, way better.
